The Initiative on Enabling Choice and Competition in Health Care Markets
Building on the formidable intellectual capital of Chicago economics, Casey B. Mulligan and Tomas J. Philipson have launched a new initiative promoting choice and competition to maximize efficiency and consumer welfare in healthcare. The initiative takes the unique approach of addressing issues specific to healthcare through a broader economic lens, applying insights from industrial organization, macroeconomics, finance, labor economics, and other fields.
The initiative’s primary aim is to fund original research addressing both fundamental issues in healthcare economics and new lines of inquiry by initiative leadership and affiliated scholars. Our work encompasses:
- research produced by visiting scholars, initiative leadership, fellowship recipients and other scholars affiliated with the project
- a series of conferences that will refine and disseminate this work, creating a community of on-campus and visiting researchers undertaking novel approaches to understanding healthcare markets and fostering direct exchanges that inspire new ideas
- media content conveying our findings to the business and public policy communities
- fellowships, mentorships, and other forms of support to cultivate a pipeline of energetic new researchers just entering the field at the dissertation and postdoctoral stage
If you are interested in promoting our ongoing work, please contact ecchc@uchicago.edu.Or if you would like to fund directly visit our gift portal – University of Chicago (uchicago.edu).