COVID-19 Biopharmaceutical Innovation and Industry Appropriation | April 2024

New Bipartisan Legislation, “Ensuring Pathways to Innovative Cures (EPIC) Act,” Introduced to Eliminate IRA “Pill Penalty” and Support Small Molecule Drug Innovation, Cites Philipson Policy Brief

Difference-in-Differences in the Marketplace | February 2024

The Value of Accelerated Medical Device Reimbursement | November 2023

Policy Brief: The Impact of Price Setting at 9 Years on Small Molecule Innovation Under the Inflation Reduction Act | October 2023

Ending Pay for PBM Performance: Consequences for Prescription Drug Prices, Utilization, and Government Spending | September 2023

Policy Brief: The Potentially Larger Than Predicted Impact of the IRA on Small Molecule R&D and Patient Health | August 2023

The Value of Medical Innovation in the Fight Against COVID-19 in the United States | August 2023

Mulligan, Philipson Cited in the 2023 Joint Economic Report | Report of the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States on the 2023 Economic Report of the President | 7/27/2023

Mulligan, Philipson Cited in the 2023 Joint Economic Report | Report of the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States on the 2023 Economic Report of the President Republican Response | 6/27/2023

Evaluating the Economic Impact of CMS coverage Delays for New Alzheimer’s Drugs | June 2023

Policy Brief: The Value of Multi-Cancer Early Detection Tests and Limits to Estimating Budget Impacts of Legislation Proposed to Enable Medicare Access | June 2023

Beyond Pigou: externalities and civil society in the supply–demand framework | May 2023

Policy Brief: The Role of Medical Innovation in Reducing Health Disparities and the Impact of the Inflation Reduction Act | February 2023

Restrict the Middleman? Quantitative Models of PBM Regulations and their Consequences | February 2023

Policy Brief: The Impact of the Inflation Reduction Act on Generic and Biosimilar Competition | December 2022

The Value of Innovation Delaying the Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease in the US | November 2022

Peltzman Revisited: Quantifying 21st Century Opportunity Costs of FDA Regulation | November 2022

Policy Brief: Increasing Health Care Choice and Competition in Wisconsin | November 2022

The Value of Home Administrated over Physician-Administered Alzheimer’s Treatments | October 2022

Prices and Federal Policies in Opioid Markets | October 2022

The Impact of Biopharmaceutical Innovation on Health Care Spending | August 2022

The Value of Pharmacy Benefit Management | July 2022

Policy Brief: The Impact of Recent White House Proposals on Cancer Research | June 2022

Mulligan Cited in the 2022 Joint Economic Report | Report of the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States on the 2022 Economic Report of the President | 6/23/2022

Non-Covid Excess Deaths, 2020-21: Collateral Damage of Policy Choices? | June 2022

A Final Report Card on the States’ Response to COVID-19 | April 2022

Lethal Unemployment Bonuses? Substitution and Income Effects on Substance Abuse, 2020-21 | February 2022

The Patient Impact of Manufacturing Copay Assistance in an Era of Rising Out-of-Pocket Costs | December 2021

Issue Brief: The Impact of HR 5376 on Biopharmaceutical Innovation and Patient Health | November 2021

Issue Brief: The Impact of HR 5376 on Antiviral Innovation and Patient Health | November 2021

Issue Brief: The Evidence Base on The Impact of Price Controls on Medical Innovation | September 2021

Issue Brief: A Review of the Scientific Literature on the Value of Health | August 2021

The Incidence and Magnitude of the Health Costs of In-person Schooling during the COVID-19 Pandemic | July 2021

Economic Activity and the Value of Medical Innovation during a Pandemic | June 2021

The Backward Art of Slowing the Spread? Congregation Efficiencies during COVID-19 | April 2021

The Value of Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance | March 2021

Deaths of Despair and the Incidence of Excess Mortality in 2020 | December 2020

Wedges, Labor Market Behavior, and Health Insurance Coverage Under the Affordable Care Act | March 2018

The Employer Penalty, Voluntary Compliance, and the Size Distribution of Firms: Evidence from a Survey of Small Businesses | November 2017

The Upside-down Economics of Regulated and Otherwise Rigid Prices | June 2016

Adjusting Measures of Economic Output for Health: Is the Business Cycle Countercyclical? | July 2015

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