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ECCHC Supply-side of Healthcare Economics Conference

May 3, 2024

This conference brings together academics, professionals, industry experts and policymakers to discuss the most pressing issues in healthcare economics through the lens of rigorous inquiry and a desire to find solutions by enabling choice and competition.

David Rubenstein Forum, 9th Floor | Peter May Boardroom
1201 East 60th Street
Chicago, IL 60637

May 27, 2023

Economic Epidemiology was launched in the 1990s. Where does it stand today?

Speakers included the Initiative on Enabling Choice and Competition’s Program Directors Tomas J. Philipson and Casey B. Mulligan, as well as Michael Kremer, David Gray, and Dirk Krueger.

9:00am – 9:45am

Introduction; The Diffusion of New Technologies:
The Case of Illicit Fentanyl

Casey B. Mulligan and Tomas J. Philipson, University of Chicago

9:45am – 10:30am

Why Do Pharmaceutical R&D Costs Rise Faster Than New Drug Approvals? Evidence from Medicare Part D

Darius Lakdawalla, University of Southern California

10:30am – 11:15am

When Does Product Liability Risk Chill Innovation? Evidence from Medical Implants

Hong Luo, Harvard University

11:30am – 12:15pm

How Does Technological Change Affect Quality Adjusted Prices in Health Care

Kristopher Hult, University of Chicago

12:45pm – 1:30pm

Price Indices and the Value of Innovation with Heterogeneous Patients

Claudio Lucarelli, Wharton School

1:30pm – 2:15pm

The Impact of Biomedical Innovation on Longevity and Health

Frank Lichtenberg, Columbia University

3:00pm – 3:10pm

Panel Discussion: Necessary Research

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