In theory, equilibrium profits for drug patent holders would not involve significant restraints on production and patient utilization if the market had a mechanism for two-part pricing (Oi 1971) or quantity commitments (Murphy, Snyder, and Topel 2014). In fact, patent...
This paper measures the impact of manufacturer-provided copay assistance on total out-of-pocket costs, drug utilization, and implications for patient outcomes. Using data dating back to 2015, we find manufacturer-provided copay assistance mitigated the rise in copay...
Based on published estimates of its price elasticity of demand and of tax wedges, as well as the method of revealed preference, I estimate that the annual social value of ESI is about $1.5 trillion beyond what policyholders, their employers, and taxpayers pay for it....
The Affordable Care Act’s taxes, subsidies, and regulations significantly alter terms of trade in both goods and factor markets. We use an extended version of the clas-sic Harberger model to predict and quantify consequences of the Affordable Care Act for the...
A new survey of 745 small businesses shows little change in the size dis- tribution of businesses between 2012 and 2016, except among businesses with 40–74 employees, in a way that is closely related to whether they of- fer health insurance coverage. Using measures of...